Great Resets: Natural Law, History and Science, Part III

The prevailing thinking since around 1960 has been that ordinary people, of ordinary education and skills, are no longer qualified to be a part of the management of world affairs, at virtually every level....

Great Resets Through Time, Part II

The purpose in beginning this inquiry with a look at Tolkien's Lord of the Rings set is to understand that the mere existence of oral legends, fables and myths is evidence that Man began...

People Who are Lost That Don’t Know They’re Lost…a Teaching

If the shoe fits, this qualifies as a "teaching"...for those under 55. The situation both American history finds itself in is one which my generation can do little about except to issue a heads-up and...

The “Nourished by Outrage” Crowd, It’s Time for them to Sort Themselves Out

You all recognize this young lady... response to what else? Outrage. Sweetie Pie has always been my poster girl for a generational mindset of psychological imbalance gained almost exclusively at home and in schools the parent(s)...

“Idiocracy” is Finally Upon Us

This sci-fi comedy from 2006, by Mike Judge (Beavis and Buttlead cartoons, a favorite of both my sons) has been growingly mentioned since the first pratfall of the Biden Administration early this year. (Scroll...