As the last Vet Passes, They know they’ll all Meet Again
We'll Meet Again
Memorial Day Musical Tribute to the Shoulders We Stand On
I've published an annual Memorial Day tribute to our fallen for several years. I think military brass just doesn't capture the solemnity of what Memorial...
Imprinting America on Kids
This short piece is for Teaching Vets (who would appreciate your support) and who someday will plant these seed as he/she looks into a room full...
Handbook of Dark Alley Counter-Revolution
2019 and the Democrats have given clear evidence where they want to take America and how they intend to get us there. Sadly, a large number...
!950’s Cartoon Predicts the Future of America Today
A simple civics lesson, no longer taught in public schools, this cartoon is 9 minutes long, familiar cartoon characters if you're over 60, the...