“Their Majesties the Mob” and Liberal Hypocrisies of Vigilantism (Revised)
The answer to any conundrum begins with a unified theory
The title is from a book published in 1960, while Eisenhower was still president, that title coined by a Louise Amelia Knapp Smith Clappe, a...
The Media’s Cub-Reporter Army, Lies and Damned Lies
"What to do with a dishonest media" has been a question that has dogged citizens for at least a hundred years.
In the September before the election I wrote a piece of how G K...
Saul Alinsky’s Doctrine: 8 steps to topple a nation
(I stand corrected on the facts stated in this piece, published in 2021, and notified by Mr Ralph Benko, an authority on Saul Alinsky, who it seems WAS NOT an inspiration for Hilary and...
What is to be Done?
Leo Tolstoi and V I Lenin both wrote monographs by this title, both about the Russian soul; one moral, the other not.
Toward A Well-Appointed and a Well-Regulated Resistance
The illness of Rush Limbaugh has given...
“Born Yesterday”, A Look Back to 1950, and Becoming American
If you're under 70 you've probably never heard of Judy Holiday.
She was a one-hit wonder of sorts, having done "Born Yesterday" on Broadway in 1946 at age 25, then reprise it in the film...