Of All the People Who Ever Asked People to Vote for Them…..
...Donald Trump was probably the only political player who never wanted, nor needed, additional money.
This is why Donald Trump is a political enigma, and...
Bye, Bye Miss American Pie, by Vassar
Meet Jack Goldfarb, He was God-Father to my first wife.
In 1933 a Hungarian Jew got off the boat at Ellis Island, looking for a...
Debate Bottom-line: Biden’s Confusion and Trump’s Dishonesty
The Left-Wing Media has set the stage for how the 2020 Presidential campaign will appear to the American public going forward. And the Debate...
Next Question, Can a Sane Society Elect a Demented Man as President?
(I published this same question two days before the 2020 general election. And true to form, the Democrats stole it. Then, on January 6,...
How Democrats Tipped Off Their Game Plan—in 4 Photos
Chain of Events Leading to the Trump Conviction:
In May, 2020, just over four years ago, George Floyd was...