A 30-Day Track Ahead of the Fear Mongers
There's a gentleman on Twitter named Mike Anderson @mikeandersonsr, who's a 60-something executive manager. He's begun posting on Twitter every morning, early, around 6,...
Has the Wuhan Flu Given the World a Competition Between Statism and Democratic Solutions?
Long before Communism, the Chinese had been considered "inscrutable". Popular fiction of the late 19th-early 20th Century had portrayed them as possessing the most...
Did EPA Put a Part of Texas Under Water With Weather Manipulation?
Only one question needs to be asked of the EPA...
...by Gov Greg Abbot, former Governor Rick Perry, or any of the Texas congressional delegation...
April 22, 1970, Earth Day…the Biggest Marxist Scam ever Perpetrated in America
For what it's worth, Earth Day, is "celebrated" (or "honored", you can't always tell) every April 22nd. But it's not an official American holiday,...