Days of Infamy?
Are the days of infamy behind us?
Or are they just beginning?
When President Roosevelt addressed Congress on December 8th, 1941 he said December 7th would be forever remembered as a "day in infamy". But he...
The Parable of the Grannies
As I've mentioned in other contexts, I spent a lot of time in the USSR before it fell, and then both Russia and Ukraine, as well as the Soviet Empire, after it fell, from...
The Story of the American Flag, by Mabel Lee Carter, 1913
There are actually several stories found here, all of which are pertinent to the matters of just what this coming election is all about.
Believe it or not, this story is about why we fight...
Why We Fight…A Momentary Pause in this Current War
This is not about wars, or hard times, or even the plague, but about the type of people it takes to persevere and emerge victorious.
The Justified Bloody Lip
OK, it's time we brought this up.
In March 2016 I wrote about "The Justified Bloody Nose" because some old coot my age at a Trump rally cold-cocked a 20-year old paid bully sent there...