Artemus Ward, America’s Original “Cable Guy”, and his Interview With President Lincoln

As you know, there's lots of talk about war right now, and just like 1860, it's occurring at two levels, not one. And in that first war it was the bottom 70% who carried...

“Simpatico”, Two Simple Rules for Immigration

You already know I’m “one of those desert loving English”. I like Arabs and don’t see anything especially sinister in the Quran as I’ve known it to develop over the past millenium. But I...

Famous Common People I Have Known, “Me”, or Thanks, Cincinnati

I've sprinkled little vignettes of my background all over this site, many of "Famous Common People I Have Known" series are drawn from my life among the trees. My fondest memories are of trees and...

Famous Common People I Have Known, The Coal Miner, Earl Hodge

(There have been so many new lessons to learn from the "rise of the little people" since Donald Trump appeared out of the blue in 2015, and the fact that they are still rising,...

The “Politics” of Global Cooling…

...which according to Nature and Natural Law, has begun. Again. This guy's name is Peter Temple, and there is a 2015 and 2019 version, only mildly edited. Mr Temple is speaking of an era which, even if...