Suzanne by Leonard Cohen, 1973, When Drugs Didn’t Always Mean Teat-Fits
Youth today may never heard of Leonard Cohen. I recommend you look Leonard up, he was a poet and balladeer during the Vietnam War,...
How Things Were designed to Work in the US Military, Tucker Carlson, retired Army...
Tucker Carlson interviews Arm Col Douglas MacGregor (ret) on August 22, 2023 about how things are going in Ukraine and Russia, and the US...
Just How do We Sort Out This National-Divorce Talk? A Warning
In February, (2023), Congressional member Marjorie Taylor Greene called for a "National Divorce." Actually, one has been evolving for several years now.
The first thing...
The Consequences to a Sane Society Knowingly Electing a Demented Man to be President
...and Then Only Watching and Waiting
Three days before the 2020 election, Nov 1, I posted the article below with this title. I don't generally...
In The Hills of Shiloh
One of the main reasons this site is even here is to connect America and its political framework to natural law and the...