The Times They are A’Changin’, So, Do we Need to Change Party Names?
...just to avoid confusion between "classical", "modern" and "new-and-improved" Republicans and Conservatives.
I watched Peter, Paul & Mary sing this live in 1964 on the...
Dr Larry Schweikart: Modern McClellan’s, Avoiding Defeatism
(If you didn't already know, Gen George McClellan was America's first RINO, well, sort of...his timidity in battle almost costing us the Civil War...
Here’s What You Need to Know About “Facts” We’re Being Fed
From a friend, not sure who wrote this, but numbers you can use as you process Kipling's Rules, Who, What, When, When, Why and...
Cracking Open the 2024 Election Door a Few Months Early-Tracking the Trump Phenomenon
Normally, "election season" begins in January-February, while still in 2023. What happens in 2024, not just in Washington and Congress but inside those tiny...
Thomas Sowell sends a Heads-Up About Just Laying Back while Kamala Shakes her Booty
By Thomas Sowell
Aug. 22, 2024 4:04 pm ET
Mr. Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. He's 94. One of the main anchors in modern...