The Rolled up Newspaper, Time to Employ MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) Against Democrats

The Democrats have behaved in loco parentis for the Soviet Union since the USSR fell in 1991. Guardians of the tablets. And MAD was a...

Natural Law: The Need for a Voter’s Bill of Rights from the Supreme Court,...

This is an observation about Natural Law, the unbendable Natural Law, and much less about the politics of the day. I have carried around in...

Dr Larry Schweikart: Modern McClellan’s, Avoiding Defeatism

(If you didn't already know, Gen George McClellan was America's first RINO, well, sort of...his timidity in battle almost costing us the Civil War...

The Times They are A’Changin’, So, Do we Need to Change Party Names?

...just to avoid confusion between "classical", "modern" and "new-and-improved" Republicans and Conservatives. I watched Peter, Paul & Mary sing this live in 1964 on the...

Setting Our Jaws

To win, we must set our jaws firm, our eyes fixed, our hands so they don’t quake and our fingers so they don’t quiver. Our eyes should be black as coal.