It’s Not Him, It’s Them

(h/t, to Robert Redford for a suit that actually is filled out, Clark Gable for the ears, Rolls Royce for the O'smobile, $ for the artwork, and last but not least, Barack Obama for...

Is America’s Small Business the new Jew?

It's not hard to prove whether ours is a socialist-leaning regime or a fascist-leaning one, it is a meaningless debate. They are virtually the same. The only real difference is who...

Beyond Outrage, Conservative Activism With an Edge, Great American Zeroes (.com)

Prelude to Outrage It's been a slow up-swell since 2008. People became alarmed when the "change" Obama promised turned out to be something to be feared and dreaded, not hoped for. So people began to organize...locally......

Why Can’t Charles Krauthammer see…?

....what the Founders saw? Short answer: Because he's too damn smart. This isn't entirely a knock on Mr Krauthammer, although some might take it as such. It is more an observation of human nature, an observation...

The Serious Side of Weinergate

Let me be clear, Anthony Weiner should be drummed from office. With enthusiasm. With clanging pots and pans tied to his ankles. Amidst children crying, and loud boos and hisses. Send him packing, preferably strapped...