Famous Common People I Have Known, Mick Hensley

Another in a series about common people I wish you could have known. I was born in a small town of just over a thousand...

Elitism, Where Libertarians and Now Much of Conservatism, are Joined at the Heart with...

And how they are joined is neither political nor philosophical. It is entirely psychological. This is important to understand, because Karl Marx’s original followers were all academicians....

How the Tea Party Replaced National Review as the Intellectual Standard Bearer for Conservatism

In March 2011 I suggested that the Tea Party had become the intellectual antidote to the Left, which was never really that difficult. But it was not...

The #NeverTrump Ship of Fools

The political killing season has gotten more grisly, it seems, only because this time, the assassins seem to be losing. Since the rise of the internet media...

Can Grown-Ups Save Conservatism? an Observation

Considering what has happened to conservatism, and conservatives, politically, ideologically, culturally, even morally, in the past eleven months because of the rise of Donald Trump, it may...