Natural Law and Deductive Reasoning for Millennials and Gen Z on Twitter
A couple of weeks ago I was tossed from Twitter; "Suspended" they said:
After careful review, we determined your account broke the Twitter Rules....
Just How do We Sort Out This National-Divorce Talk? A Warning
In February, (2023), Congressional member Marjorie Taylor Greene called for a "National Divorce." Actually, one has been evolving for several years now.
The first thing...
Linking Victor Davis Hansen’s “Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America” to the Law of Generations
Victor Davis Hansen's "Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America", reprinted here, explained in vivid, living color, what Americans have always found so inscrutable about the...
Wealth-Based Gender Dysphoria; George Sand and a 19th Century Better Understanding
Perhaps someone would contact the heirs of Garden City Publishing, at one time a part of the Doubleday publishing empire, to reprint some of...
Earth Day, April 22, 1970, Communism’s Biggest Hoax, Remembered and Revisited
(Written years ago, this used to be an annual celebration of Leftist cupidity, but now it’s serious, especially on the Religion front. I think...