War-Gaming Part V, How Citizens Can Fight Back When the Left Goes Rogue

I had intended to do a section on the Left's War-Gaming of the Academy, but have incorporated it here as that marries up well with what people can do to combat them when (not if) they...

End Obamacare Now; Repeal, Then Back and Fill

Always begin any analysis with a unified theory. And any unified theory about repealing, replacing, or repairing Obamacare  must begin with natural law, more specifically the natural law of politicians. The natural law of politicians is...

War-Gaming the Coming War IV; The Bureaucracy

Of all the inside-enemies Donald Trump has, the bureaucracy is the one he knows best, for he has been butting heads with it for well over forty years. Therefore, he's saved me a thousand words...

War Gaming, Part III, the War in the Streets

The coming war will be on several fronts, and will appear uncoordinated. But at some level immigration activists will be talking to BLM activists, and they to campus radicals. And all will be speaking to their...

War Gaming, Part II: The Flynn-Spin

.(see Part I, Introduction, here.) In December, 1941, America went to war, and that war wasn't over until September, 1945. Almost four years. The whole nation went to war those four years, giving far more of...