The Republican House’s Savo Island-“Five Sitting Ducks” Defeat
When you get your butt kicked all sorts of lessons from history come to mind. But when that butt-kicking is self-imposed the analogies narrow
The lessons most important from the Republicans' self-immolation in the failure of their...
I’m Not a Big Fan of Paul Manafort, but…
(There are lies, and damned lies….” -Mark Twain)
I’m absolutely delirious in my dislike for the Associated Press.
And it’s all about honesty and dishonesty.
Now, personally I’ve never known Mr Manafort to lie, but I suppose...
Should President Trump Offer Amnesty to the Deep State Who Want to Come in...
Long title, short answer.
We know they are there, and they know we are looking for them.
We know some of their names, and they don’t know which ones, just that the clock is ticking.
They all have...
The Jefferson-Hamilton Handshake, The 2 x 4 Version
The bulk of this essay was first written in 2010 when serious conservatives saw the GOP Establishment merely as shameless cravens, part- Stockholm Syndrome to their more masculine Democrat betters, across the aisle, and...
Chalkboard Math for the Democrat-Media War on Donald Trump
(This is a work in progress, changing daily, as we move along from news story to news story.)
Not yet two months into the Trump Administration, new news is coming fast and furious, and a lot of people...