(Update): For Bob Beckel, Famous Common People I Have Known, Lester Motley

(Editors Note: Bob Beckel was finally fired by Fox News in the week of May 15, 2017, for, you guessed it, proving his white...

Stamping out the Viral Lie

The viral lie can be defined as when a person says he/she knows a thing to be true he cannot possibly know to be...

Chasing the Source of Trump’s Russian Intelligence Leak

To understand the leftwing Media's suicidal obsession with destroying Donald Trump, an observation on the Washington Post's "blockbuster" report about the serious security infraction by Donald Trump...

People v People of the United States, the Media’s Grand Jury Case Against America

District attorneys now have so much influence on grand juries that "by and large" they could get them to "indict a ham sandwich." -Sol...

How the Left and Political Establishment Want to Steal the Momentum Away from President...

I recently published an article about the Richard DreyfussCivicsInitiative, which, as I wrote it, I realized the stalling game is probably the only one the Democrat-Left can play...