2024 election, American Exceptionalism, Dark Alley, Democrat PaRTY, Elections, Elitism and Class, Globalism, Race and Culture, Russia

How Things Were designed to Work in the US Military, Tucker Carlson, retired Army Colonel, viz. Ukraine

Tucker Carlson interviews Arm Col Douglas MacGregor (ret) on August 22, 2023 about how things are going in Ukraine and Russia, and the US Military in general. This is 45 minutes long, but well-worth your time. You will come away…

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Constitution, Democrat PaRTY, Education, Elections, Elitism and Class, How Things Work, Republican Party Establishment

Just How do We Sort Out This National-Divorce Talk? A Warning

In February, (2023), Congressional member Marjorie Taylor Greene called for a “National Divorce.” Actually, one has been evolving for several years now. The first thing to consider about “national divorces” is that they’re almost never mutually arrived at. What divides…

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Democrat PaRTY, Dona;ld Trump, Millennials, Natural Law, Race and Culture, Republican Party Establishment

To be American, American Exceptionalism and Assimilation- How Things Worked and Must Work

I think there is a general misconception of just what assimilation means to the ideal of “to be American”. To understand American exceptionalism you must first realize that it was created by the American  people, not scholars nor political theoreticians. It…

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