Establishment vs Tea Party, It’s Officially a War
The South wasn't supposed to fire the first shot in the Civil War, but they did.
And some say they were finessed.
Rush Limbaugh, as early as a year ago, began asking the question of conservatives:...
Vigilantism and “A Person of Interest”
An interesting show premiered on CBS last week. "A Person of Interest." If you didn't see it I suggest you watch the first episode on your computer.
It's based on two premises I know very...
Who Dat Who Say Who Dat When I Say Treason?
Guy Fawkes
John Stormer wrote None Dare call it Treason in 1964 (early LBJ administration), then did a 25 year update in 1990, mid-Bush I administration.)
Daniel Pipes wrote this (below) as part of a...
The Mob Next Time
"God said a fire, not a flood next time...
(from "Well. Well, Well," Negro spiritual)
I'm not Ann Coulter's biggest fan. We are separated by 20 years of a kind of snark that doesn't come easy...
Conservative Activism, A Primer for Those Who Don’t Go To Meetings
A reminder: History is written by the winners
After the November election I noted that the principal politics for the next several months will not come from Washington, but rather out in fly-over country...where...