Dealing With the Viral Lie
Short answer: Persistence and Resolve
"It's a sin to tell a lie" has been around since Moses brought it down from Sinai as Major Sin...
Why Go Dark? Fear and Pain Work, That’s Why
Glenn Beck recently spoke of his differences with Proud Boys, and their street skirmishes with Antifa. He disapproves of their participation in violence, while...
Conservative Activism, A Primer for Those Who Don’t Go To Meetings
A reminder: History is written by the winners
After the November election I noted that the principal politics for the next several months will...
Days of Infamy?
Are the days of infamy behind us?
Or are they just beginning?
When President Roosevelt addressed Congress on December 8th, 1941 he said December 7th would...
The Shotgun and Rewriting History
From an old grizzled veteran (my age) named Mike, who contributed a lot of wisdom to our Veterans'Tales site for a few years:
You're asleep...