“The Gun is Civilization” by Maj L Caudill (USMC-Ret)

This essay comes via the website of Fr John Peck, and his website, The Orthodox Church of Tomorrow, of Sun City, Arizona. In the How Things Work Department of Liberty, it is a stark argument...

Is States Rights Back? A Return of America’s Lost Army

I'm not sure when American public schools began skimming over the first era of our history, 1787-1824, but I'm going to guess sometime after the Civil War, when the two-party system emerged as representing...

The Conscience of the Court

Modern Americans believe Roe v Wade (1973) was the worst Supreme Court decision ever rendered. I place it at #2, since Roger B Taney's majority opinion in the Dred Scott decision in 1857 was ...

“Going After….” -A Commentary about Laws of War and Laws of Civil Society

Some fellow who apparently lost a city council race in Canada said after our Senate vote to acquit Donald Trump: "PSA: Everyone MUST go after every single senator who voted "Not Guilty". Go after EVERY...

Barry’s Boys

  "Barry's Boys" is not about Barack Obama. I was working on an introductory reminiscence on Rush Limbaugh for a piece on "dark alley" strategies that will appear in coming days, and wanted to link his...