Never Take Yourself Too Damned Seriously; Saving Ben Howe
As a writer, Ben Howe is a good IT guy, and as a critical thinker, he's an absolute DaVinci with Sarah Palin's cleavage.
But Ben Howe thinks he's good at both. Hence the title.
I met Ben once, at the 2011...
Missionizing Millennials, Saving Ben Shapiro
Recently Rev Billy Graham said that if people are going to call themselves "Christian" it would be helpful if, from time to time, they would mention Jesus. An obverse to Rev Graham's point was...
Papismus Lucifugus, the Advent of Tribalism in American Conservatism
Papismus Lucifugus
I have this book, one of only a few surviving. Dated 1668, it's a record of a disputation between John Menzies of the (Church of Scotland) Divinity School at Marischal College in Aberdeen and an...
Good and Evil, and Donald Trump
After only three days, it's clear that the anti-Donald Trump crowd hasn't all been created equally. Especially those whose opposition to Trump seems to be based on some sort of professed faith about Evil.
As I have written several times,...
Eminent Domain and “Higher Use”, a Critique of #NeverTrumpism
You don't have to look far to find a lot of fine internet sites who have become homes for ardent anti-Donald Trump sentiment. Some are even paid to be this way, which sort of takes...