Of All the People Who Ever Asked People to Vote for Them…..
...Donald Trump was probably the only political player who never wanted, nor needed, additional money.
This is why Donald Trump is a political enigma, and...
“It is French”
First Part
"Schtick"-- from the Yiddish: A comic theme or gimmick, first introduced on stage by Mark Twain
The story goes that Mark Twain had invested...
Just How do We Sort Out This National-Divorce Talk? A Warning
In February, (2023), Congressional member Marjorie Taylor Greene called for a "National Divorce." Actually, one has been evolving for several years now.
The first thing...
The Consequences to a Sane Society Knowingly Electing a Demented Man to be President
...and Then Only Watching and Waiting
Three days before the 2020 election, Nov 1, I posted the article below with this title. I don't generally...
From a Paper War to Real War
Renewing a suggestion she made in 2021, Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene once again suggested a "national divorce" this past February.
Now, I'm a fan...