!950’s Cartoon Predicts the Future of America Today

A simple civics lesson, no longer taught in public schools, this cartoon is 9 minutes long, familiar cartoon characters if you're over 60, the only thing shown here no longer done by citizens, toward...

Trump Directs his SOTU to the People, not the Political Class

On paper the State of the Union Address has been from the President, the Chief Executive, to the other branches of Government, telling them how the country was faring. The People, the object of the Constitution, (don't...

The Circle Shall Not be Broken

By God! I sat up with a start this morning, around 2:04. It hit me, "Why are we all pretending this is politics...when it's revolution?" Their media, our media, their talk-show people, our talk show people, all...

The Media and America’s Schedule X

Schedule X is not a tax form. During the Vietnam War the Schedule X was a government form that offices in military commands used to tell higher ups how we spent our day on the...

What Donald Trump Has Not Done, But Can and Should Do

Needed: A Forty-Year Legacy, not Eight Donald Trump has broken down major barriers simply by being elected president. In the broadest sense of the term, his election was "historic" for it represented the first time in many generations that the people...