Without Attribution

We've all stolen words from others and failed to give them credit for it. Joe Biden did it all the time as far back as...

“I Hope I Get a Good Mafia”

That was actually said in the early days of the crumbling Soviet Union. The speaker was a young man from the Caucasus who had staked...

American Exceptionalism #17: The American How-To Book

I'll get to #'s 1 thru 16 later. We've talked about them before. Note the book cover, which I only ran across a week or...

First Principles about America; First Questions

Is America an accident? A freak of Nature?  Or, is America the product of Intelligent Design? I don’t intend to try to answer the second half of...

For Self-Righteous Conservative Prigs on Twitter

For those of you self-righteous prigs who sound remarkably similar to left-wingers trying to execute one of our guys, and delight in watching Joe...