Tracing the Gentleman’s International League of Gutter Trash

I started this little investigation into gutter trashery with Joe Biden for Joe is pre-Baby Boomer, so comes from a generation who should have known the...

America’s Gutter Trash Move into the Big Leagues- Joe Biden

"Gutter Trash" is a term I heard all my life. It signified a person, most often a man (since women had their own names that...

Teaching History to C-Students, not just A-Students; a Note to Conservatives

Yesterday I saw a tweet by Mark Levin, plugging an August 19, 2019 article at The Federalist by Josh Lawson, "8 Back-to-School Books to Protect...

Crime Syndicate; How China and Russias Bought off the Washington Establishment

My background for this observation is 30+ years with China, the Far East, including the last days of the Soviet Union in both Russia and Ukraine in...

A Memo to President Trump: Beware of the Green Card Bias

This is a hard subject to talk about. President Trump and I belong to a generation when the natural law of "becoming American" was still...