Regardez de Deluge! But from your Home Barricade
The timely, or untimely (your call) passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg this past week may define the already-planned national insurrection landscape all the...
How Things Work: Building the Wall in Arizona
A Great little film that was filmed by a drone controlled by a man sitting in a lawn chair. He would move his location...
America-Loving Democrats Meet their Grandchildren in Seattle
The reason we over-60 conservatives hang around is to remind Gen X'ers that this is not our first rodeo, and Millennials that this is...
Covid-19, a Report from Bulgaria from an Old Friend
Her name is Maria Georgieva, and I have known her for over 20 years. I last saw Mimi in 2008 just after I began...
The European Union and the US, Apples to Apples on Wuhan Virus
The EU has a total population of 513 million vs America's 327 million, so apples to apples, they should have 57% more coronavirus cases...