The Idea of Private Ownership of Property

How Things First Began to Work: Man's Natural Thirst for Freedom to Acquire Property In my Introductory article, asking "Just How Important is Public and...

Just How Important is Public Education and Private Education?

This will probably become an outline of a series since, as I took down some notes about various aspects of both public and private...

Knowing How Things Work is the First Rule of Freedom

"The Answer to Every Diagnosis begins with a Unified Theory" Knowing How Things Work is the first Law of being free and remaining free.  Most of...

Is States Rights Back? A Return of America’s Lost Army

I'm not sure when American public schools began skimming over the first era of our history, 1787-1824, but I'm going to guess sometime after...

America’s First Principles, and the War Made on Them; Understanding Why we Fight

A First Principle is a basic proposition or assumption that is no a growth from any other proposition or assumption. If  Principles were a...