Fascism vs Communism, First Principles, Getting the Understanding Straight

Unlike Communism, which was the love child of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Fascism had no real solid parentage, just a mishmash of European social thinking. Americans are ordinary people, created on the principle that...

The Iffiness in Science that makes Everything a Coin Flip

I have several fits-and-starts in my stack of stuff, all centering around scientific debates not just about how human history is written, but how human achievement is defined, going back long before history could...

HomoBureaucraticus and Self-Destruction

(photo credit: Haitian passports dumped in the ground in Brazil as they prepared to make their (organized)way to Texas. I'm going to reprint a few lines what I mentioned only recently, but several times over...

Is this really a Pandemic?

What's being sold is that "Pandemics" are bad, bad, bad. I don't want to get too lawyerly, but a pandemic is defined as an "infectious disease that has crossed national boundaries", not really mentioning...

“Their Majesties the Mob” and Liberal Hypocrisies of Vigilantism (Revised)

The answer to any conundrum begins with a unified theory   The title is from a book published in 1960, while Eisenhower was still president, that title coined by a Louise Amelia Knapp Smith Clappe, a...