Vain Men’s Thirst for Kings

(Timely, and unedited from a 2010 essay at Since then, they've changed, I haven't.) A caution to the non-religious: In what follows I use religious references from the Old Testament. They are intended as metaphors,...

We Need a Ben Franklin in America’s Board Room, and Newt’s the Man

Ben Franklin was 70 when the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, and 81 when the Constitution was signed in 1787. He signed both. So, he was the original Ben Franklin in America's first...

After Brexit, We Shoot the Bureaucrats

"Every successful analysis begins with a unified theory." Some Americans credit Donald Trump for the success of Brexit, while others are saying Trump owes Brexit for bumping his campaign toward the presidency. Actually, both are true to a point, but...

This Land is Ours

Yeah, I know. I'll bet you're thinking I'm talking about Americans claiming our property rights to America.. The sudden stand-off in Oregon over a ranch-land conviction and jailing, then added incarceration, of an Oregon ranching family...

Did EPA Put a Part of Texas Under Water With Weather Manipulation?

Only one question needs to be asked of the EPA... Gov Greg Abbot, former Governor Rick Perry, or any of the Texas congressional delegation including Ted Cruz and Louis Gohmert. First, a history of the...