Of All the People Who Ever Asked People to Vote for Them…..

...Donald Trump was probably the only political player who never wanted, nor needed, additional money. This is why Donald Trump is a political enigma, and...

Bye, Bye Miss American Pie, by Vassar

Meet Jack Goldfarb, He was God-Father to my first wife. In 1933 a Hungarian Jew got off the boat at Ellis Island, looking for a...

Russia-Bad vs Ukraine-Bad, and the “I Can Train Monkeys to Make Underwear” thesis of...

Part 2 As I related in Part 1, I came to Kentucky by accident in 1979, thinking I was en route to Germany to work...

Abandoning the Covenant

There's a film still in theaters I think you should see. It's called "The Covenant" and is a Guy Ritchie film, starring Jay Gillenhaal...

Do Losers Have to Relocate? The Finality of Status

  This will begin a series of inquiries into the natural law of popular revolutions and what happens to the losers? How does all that...