Suzanne by Leonard Cohen, 1973, When Drugs Didn’t Always Mean Teat-Fits
Youth today may never heard of Leonard Cohen. I recommend you look Leonard up, he was a poet and balladeer during the Vietnam War,...
Essential American Dumb-Quackery
Natural law versus natural choices gone wrong
Part I:
When facts hurt.
On August 23, 2020 Kenosha, Wisconsin police shot and wounded Jacob Blake while attempting to...
Killing Rosebushes, How Things Work in Nature by St George Frederick
An old pal, I'd been holding onto this for several years, hoping St George (that's really his name) would add more to this thought.
Wealth-Based Gender Dysphoria; George Sand and a 19th Century Better Understanding
Perhaps someone would contact the heirs of Garden City Publishing, at one time a part of the Doubleday publishing empire, to reprint some of...
What the Left does Much Better than We do…They Target their Enemies the Old...
It has always been this way.
You attend a public meeting, say a school board, and you know the names of the board members and...