Our System of Federalism and the Mess it Sometimes Creates
The notion of federalism is that the Constitution grants the states the leeway to set up their own laboratories about governing that do not conflict with the rights it guarantee to the People, (Art...
The Master Plan for America’s Mental Breakdown, Part IV
Having presented Parts I, II and III, I think we've established the reality of this "insanity" and that it is the mental disorder of cognitive dissonance...only it has been intentionally injected into America's youth,...
With “Skunk” We Could Have Ended This Rioting in Two Days
I've been writing about Antifa and Black Lives Matter since Obama, especially in ways private citizens can sneak around in the dark and dampen their spirits about wanting to go out on the public...
The Natural Law Case for Violence Against AntiFa
In some instances the only thing that will work is some form of violence.
Think about it. America was born because a few Americans planted their swords, not their pens, into a set of ideas, and...
Who WILL Vote for Obama in 2012? Seriously?
Obama has suppressed at least 20%-30% of his expected vote and he cannot seduce even a fraction of new replacements.