The Natural Law of Nature’s Laws, Updated for Elections, 2024
Two primary categories, Natural Law and How Things Work, are presented on my front page here, running back to 2011. Much of what I...
Why Should we Tolerate Marxists When They Call us Fascists?
Hear this (I just forwarded to my blind friend, Haystack, who writes here frequently. Over the coming months you will see and hear hundreds...
Of All the People Who Ever Asked People to Vote for Them…..
...Donald Trump was probably the only political player who never wanted, nor needed, additional money.
This is why Donald Trump is a political enigma, and...
Bye, Bye Miss American Pie, by Vassar
Meet Jack Goldfarb, He was God-Father to my first wife.
In 1933 a Hungarian Jew got off the boat at Ellis Island, looking for a...
Mike Johnson of 1972, Meet Johnny Cash of 1964
I never heard of now-Speaker of the House Mike Johnson until only recently. But I did look him up, to note that he was...