The Consequences to a Sane Society Knowingly Electing a Demented Man to be President
...and Then Only Watching and Waiting
Three days before the 2020 election, Nov 1, I posted the article below with this title. I don't generally do politics. I do analytics and what I call "Teachings",...
Law of Generations for Millennials and Z’s
The Law of Generations
Younger conservatives wanting to make a name for themselves since the rise of Donald Trump in 2016, were even seven years younger than they are today, so when I read about...
Sobering thought… from Sept 29, 1959 and Nikita Kruschchev
From a friend in Maryland and tech friend in New England
FROM 1959!
This is important to hear, especially in light of the clear intention of the American Left to make these prophecies bear out
It is for Liberty, not Democracy, that we strive and pray for.
Patrick Henry didn't say "Give me Democracy or give me death" in that Virginia church in 1775. In 1776 Thomas Jefferson did not write that "All men are created equal and are endowed with...
Picking at Scabs on the Ship of Fools; A Decade’s Retrospective
In August, 2011 I penned a piece by this same title, kicking off a new site called "Unified Patriots", which was made up mostly of a group of Baby Boomers, all born before the...