Crime Syndicate; How China and Russias Bought off the Washington Establishment

My background for this observation is 30+ years with China, the Far East, including the last days of the Soviet Union in both Russia and Ukraine in 1991-1992 and finally the mostly Balkans through 2009. This is a book...

Will Either Party Survive 2020?

Long before Donald Trump emerged, in 2013 I asked if the original Republican brand would survive where the GOP seemed to be going. That question has been answered. Happily at this juncture it no...

“Crook” or “Liar”, Which Matters More to Voters?

The game here is to define the Democratic candidates with a single word, then sell that word to the approximately 30% of voters who still might be swayed. I'll only discuss two right now, Joe...

Revolution or Counter-Revolution? When two Revolutions Collide

When two revolutions collide, which takes precedence as the defending champion? And which is the contender? Who are the true revolutionaries here? The socialist-fascist Marxists, who go by so many names and historically contradictory to...

A Memo to President Trump: Beware of the Green Card Bias

This is a hard subject to talk about. President Trump and I belong to a generation when the natural law of "becoming American" was still operational, even for Indians who immigrated here in the 1960s....