Deplorables, The Return of the Taught
Among the Baby Boomer generation, there must be two (2) major missions we agree to undertake before we pass out of sight.
We are all...
Cut Bureaucracy Down to Size Now
(Originally published in 2013,, as "Sequestration Pain Management" at the beginning of Obama's second term, this is repeated with no changes.)
Since LBJ’s Great Society we...
From #Goonies to #NeverGoonies? Our “Time” is Nearly Past
I guess I saw "The Goonies" half a dozen times while my sons still lived at home. They were 11 and 15 in 1985. We saw...
Antifa Nazis and the Rise of a New Fascist Thug Army
In 2013. I wrote "The Difference Between Crony Capitalism and Fascism" and just reread it. It stands up pretty well even though Obama and Holder...