A Few Words About Mitt Romney to Young MAGA-Trumpsters
Mitt is what he is, and his Friday night vote for calling witnesses is "what he is".
I have disliked Mitt Romney for over seven years because he lied to us in 2012.
I don't have...
The Statute of Limitations, Deep State, Fast & Furious and Killing Citizens
In June, 2012 I wrote "Fast and Furious, Where are the Indictments?" and for some reason two people have read that article in the past two days. So I reread it, and noticed an...
A Viewer’s Guide to the Impeachment Trial; the Jack McCoy Model
To understand this impeachment process, think "Law and Order", since most of you got your criminal trial education from that television series. I postponed this brief explanation until I'd seen Day One to gauge how the...
Putting the “SERVICE” Back into Public Service
A favorite subject of mine (from a 2011 series, The History of Government Employment, Part IV), "service" is an important theme in an important election year, which could, if we do things right, dictate the course...
UPDATE: 19 JAN: An Outline of the Second Amendment Fight to Come in Virginia
Best piece to date on the Monday rally, by Matt Bracken, Worth heeding, Patriots. Watch yer topknots.
From the Virginia Citizens Defense League, a very good, and instructive working list of coming attractions. The Democrats...