The Circle Shall Not be Broken

By God! I sat up with a start this morning, around 2:04. It hit me, "Why are we all pretending this is politics...when it's revolution?" Their media, our media, their talk-show people, our talk show people, all...

Was Arizona a Robbery or a Giveaway?

They say it's official, that Kyrsten Sinema is Arizona's new senator-elect, in the US Senate until 2024. Think about it. In an election year when this election had all the smell and taste of a heist-in-the-making, as I'd...

The 2018 Election Heist, If Democrats Can Pull it Off

Published once, in September, this is just a reminder. Tell your well-meaning Democrats, just in case they haven't been paying attention. Why would the Left be puffing up numbers of a Blue Wave when the...

A Letter to Well-Meaning Democrats and Republicans

I have no idea how many of you there are anymore, "well-meaning" voters, both D's and R's,  but let me throw some descriptions out to you and see if the shoe fits. I have a...

“An Extremity of Nominal Democracy”

Barbara Tuchman was one of my two favorite historians, (the other is still alive). She published The First Salute in 1988, then died of a stroke early the next year, so this book was to...