Van Jones, Another Lawn Jockey for White Gods and Goddesses

I've said before, America's greatest sin was not slavery, but what the United States government and the Democrat Party, with meek complicity of the...

“It’s Time for Elitists to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses”- per the Media

Yes, that is almost a real title by a real American, Michael Traub, of Foreign Policy Magazine, a wholly owned property of Graham Holdings,...

America’s Lost Army; People Who Don’t Read Media

I haven't talked about my old Cold War mentor Moses Sands in a few years. He moved to the higher pastures, and I mean that literally,...

Will Mrs Clinton Accept Election Results if Trump Wins?

Chris Wallace hounded Donald Trump on his assertion "election is rigged' but failed to ask Mrs Clinton would she and the Democrats also accept...

Hillary’s Glass Ceiling With Liberal Democrat Voters

Turns  out it's not glass, but wood. This is not about Donald Trump, but Hillary's ongoing difficulties with her own voter base, as expressed in...