Somebody Had to Go First
The idea has been around a long time that maybe we should reorganize our government by electing presidents from the private sector, from outside...
In Celebration of the Neocons
In 2004, awaiting a vote in the newly liberated Iraq, their first democratic vote ever, I wrote my first published essay, "Prospects for Democracy in...
What Will the Next Civil War Look Like? A Prelude
Make no doubt about it, in much the same way that Abraham Lincoln's election in 1860 prompted the first Civil War, the election of...
Is the Sisterhood Choreographing the Harvey Weinstein Reflex?
I heard this said at least 10 years ago, so it is not a recent Weinstein-reflex.
"The greatest threat to mankind are women without men and...
Survival, Courage and Common Sense in Our New Cocooned Worlds
It's proof that practicing psychologists with PhD's at the end of their names are only in it for the money if they don't spend...